Posted on: May 31st, 2024

Celebrating Pride with Mental Health in Mind


This June marks the 54th anniversary of Pride Month, which is a time of celebration, commemoration, liberation, and activism for the LGBTQ+[1] community. Pride Month began in 1970, a year after the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City, where patrons of the Stonewall Inn – a popular gay bar in Greenwich Village – rallied against police oppression for six days, creating a catalyst of change for the LGBTQ+ Civil Rights movement. Pride Month honors the bravery of the folx[2] involved in the 1969 Stonewall Riots and seeks to reinforce the resiliency of the queer community through continued efforts both locally and nationally to uplift queer voices, experiences, and mental health while rallying against oppression and embracing authenticity.

Despite over five decades having passed since the Stonewall Riots, the LGBTQ+ community continues the fight against social stigma, prejudice, and discrimination. Currently, the American Civil Liberties Union is tracking over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills across the U.S., and the Human Rights Campaign reports LGBTQ+ folx experience “[s]ignificant gaps in health insurance coverage, economic injustice, discrimination, bias, stigma and violence [that] all interact to worsen the mental health challenges facing LGBTQ+ people today.” Furthermore, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration released a report detailing the results of national surveys conducted between 2021 and 2022 that found higher prevalence rates of substance use, mental health issues, and suicidality among LGBTQIA2S+ individuals compared to those who identified as cisgender or heterosexual.

While the joy of Pride should not be overshadowed by ongoing challenges, it is important to recognize what social, cultural, and political barriers are at play to truly understand the importance of Pride Month in the LGBTQ+ community. This Pride, whether you are a member of the community or an ally to someone you love, take action to continue Stonewall’s mission of empowering queer voices and dismantling harmful narratives in any of the following ways:

  • Educate Yourself and Others. Take the time to familiarize yourself and your inner circle with inclusive language, historical roots, and current issues associated with the LGBTQ+ community. Utilize resources such as documentaries, books, online articles, and queer-affirming organizations such as The Trevor Project and GLAAD to gain powerful insights.
  • Provide Safe Spaces. Create welcoming spaces either within your community, workplace, or home that advocate for inclusivity and diversity. Include your pronouns in any emails/biographies, use gender neutral language, and support initiatives/programs that promote sensitivity training.
  • Advocate for Equality. Use your voice to advocate for LGBTQ+ protections and equality. Write to your elected officials, sign petitions, and/or get involved with your local LGBTQ+ advocacy groups. If you encounter any discriminatory practices, behaviors, or language, speak up and reinforce the importance of inclusivity in all spaces.


Get Involved:


Homepage – PFLAG

Homepage | GLSEN

LGBTQ Rights | ACLU of Indiana (

Get Support:

It Gets Better

Home – Trans Lifeline

HearMe – SAGE (

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline – Call. Text. Chat. (

The Trevor Project – Suicide Prevention for LGBTQ+ Young People



[1] Acronym commonly used to represent the queer community, referring to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Questioning/Queer. The “+” represents all other identities not encompassed in the short acronym.

[2] Gender-inclusive/neutral terminology used within the LGBTQ+ community to refer to all groups of people.